Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Week 6 Post 1: Business/Facebook

Post Reach vs Post Engagement

Post reach is defined as how many people have seen your post. This can be when someone has seen your post because of following your page or just because one of their friends has shared your post. 

Post Engagement is defined as people who have liked your link, liked your post or have shared your post. 

This is important because if someone has just seen your post but does not perform any action on it, its just being revealed to that one person only. In a business, you want your product or service to be spread out and known to as much people as possible. When someone like your post or shares it, it means that the person it giving his or her friends the opportunity to see your post as well. 

A business can use Facebook insights to better serve their customers because for one, Facebook is the most popular source of social media in the world. Businesses can use Facebook because Facebook already has a solid grip on how customers use Facebook and their preferences. It would be very intelligent to use the feedback and insights from Facebook to improve it's business and find easier and more efficient ways to serve it's customers. 

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