Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Week 16: Planning Your Future Post #1

Overall this class has been very fun to work with. I especially enjoyed the Facebook aspect of it because it automatically linked to current Facebook and it was easy to access the business page link. It was also fun for me because I felt that I was getting constant likes and views on there than any other social media platform. the ones that I did not really enjoy was Twitter because I had trouble making the account and was not all that familiar with that platform.

Honestly, with the type of business that I have, there is not much of a social media platform that would work well with my business. Although Facebook might help as business owners who have Facebook might be able to catch my business page and it might create a lead. The one that might help my business the most would have to be the different apps where it allows you to connect and network with other people. There is one called Meetup where you can input the type of people you want to meet with and sets up a time.

I do not believe we should spend too much time on social media marketing. Our business is focused more on in person cold calling. Social media has the potential to help but not that much.

My rough draft of next months content to help grow and improve my business is to post the new feature that we will be presenting in our business, which is the production of solo postcards. We would also present a new design on our ads which provides a more simple coupon and viewer friendly for consumers. We would post this all throughout the social media accounts so that everyone will see what we have improved.


  1. You may be right about cold calling being the most effective method for your business but social media is relatively cheap and can't hurt! I'm sure you can use what you learned in this class and apply it like I have.

  2. While reading your post I couldn't help but think of fitness youtubers and instagram users. People like Athlean-x, Jeff Nippard, and Chris Jones (PumpChasers) are all people who have influential social media accounts and who use their notoriety to create training programs for many people. No doubt social media use for them has resulted in massive success. I realize however that their are other factors culminating in their success and that the strategy may not be or work for everyone.


Week 17: Wrapping it up Final Post

My viewpoint on social media has changed for the fact that social media is now more used on business and advertising. Before when social med...